Our Youth Group is all about helping Christian teens grow in likeness to Christ and applying God's Word to daily life! We encourage one another in our friendships and reach out to others in need. And of course, we have lots of fun together, too!
All teens 7th-12 grade are welcome! We meet on Wednesday nights at the church from 7:00-8:00 p.m. and weekly for the Sunday School Hour at 9:30 a.m. Throughout the year we schedule service projects, sports & games, and many other special events.
Pastor Andrew and "Miss Colleen" French lead our teen ministry.
They have been married for 8 years and have two young children. Their hearts are for young people to know and love God more & more through His Word. Pastor Andrew has served HBC for more than 10 years as our Associate Pastor. Colleen worked for many years in counseling young women and brings that counseling heart to our teen ministry. For more information contact Pastor Andrew by email: pastorandrew@hbcnh.com
Aaron & Erica Graham serve as youth workers in Youth Group.
They're active members at HBC with a heart to encourage teens in their relationship with God. They were married in 2022 and have two young children. Erica is an HBC Youth Group Alum and serves on the missions committee and music ministry. Aaron is a local firefighter that serves on the missions committee and ushering team.
"When I first joined the youth group I had no idea what to expect, but on my first day I felt immediately welcomed. Now I remember lessons that impacted me so greatly in my walk with God." - Alyssa

“I joined youth group nearly 3 years ago and greatly enjoy it. Time together having fun and studying God’s Word with other like-minded teens is very encouraging.” - Isaac

What is the story of the Gospel?
Watch Here.
The HBC Youth Group is here to help you ask and learn the answer to many of life's topics by exploring the Bible.
Come visit us any Sunday, we’d love to meet you!