Be Uplifted with Truth-filled Songs
This collection of songs* represents the many hymns, new and old, that we have learned and sing together as a congregation. Many are available on popular audio streaming apps, so add them to your Favorites list and sing to the Lord every day!
* The notations following each song refer to our hymnal name and song numbers (HGG = Hymns of Grace & Glory; HH = our own compilation of extra Heritage Hymns).
All Creation Sings His Praise
- Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (HGG 2)
- Praise Ye the Lord! (HGG 42)
The Body of Christ
- Beneath the Cross (HH 39)
- I Love the Church (HH 21)
- Let Us Love (HGG 483)
- O Church, Arise (HH 29)
- The Living Stone (HGG 225)
The Christian’s Identity
A Faith That Does Not Shrink
- Begone, Unbelief (HGG 498)
A Grace Underserved
- Depth of Mercy! Can There Be (HGG 282)
- Grace Alone (printout)
- To the Praise of His Glorious Grace (HH 26)
He Is Graciously in Control of All
He Meets Our Needs
Holy & Glorious Is He
- Almighty Father (HH 27)
- Behold the Glories of the Lamb (HH 16)
How Beautiful Is His Name
- For the Sake of His Name (HH 19)
- Your Beauty Fills Our Eyes (HH 6)
The Love of Our Savior
The Means by Which We Stand
- Arise, My Soul, Arise (HGG 174)
- Before the Throne of God Above (HH 28)
- Dearest Father, We Approach You (HH 33)
- He Will Hold Me Fast (HH 37)
- How Firm a Foundation (HGG 610)
- I Know that My Redeemer Lives (HH 41)
- I Run to Christ (HH 14)
- A Triune Prayer (HH 3)
Oh, Sinner Am I, But God’s Grace Abounds
- From Depths of Woe (HGG 337)
- How Sad Our State (HGG 333)
- How Sweet and Awful Is the Place (HGG 238)
- O Great God (HH 34)
- Reformation Hymn (HH 32)
- 'Tis the Christ (HGG 150)
- To Live or Die (HH 10)
Our Sacrificial Lamb
- Constrained by Christ (HH* 15)
- Lamb of God, You Now Are Seated (HH 24)
Rejoicing In Salvation
- And Can It Be (HGG 335)
- Chosen as His Children (HH 8)
Seasonal Songs of Praise
- Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery (HH 35)
- Hark! the Herald Angels (HGG 90)
- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (HGG 87)
- Once in Royal David's City (HGG 91)
- Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (HGG 93)
To Be More Like Christ
- Come, Holy Ghost, Our God and Lord (HGG 209)
- May the Mind of Christ My Saviour (HGG 476)
- O for a Closer Walk with God (HGG 472)