Matt Fagan, Pastor
Pastor Matt delights in seeing God change lives through the careful preaching and teaching of the Bible. The Lord brought him and his family to New Hampshire in May of 2001 to start Heritage Baptist Church. Matt and his wife Amy were married in 1998 and have three children.
Andrew French, Associate Pastor
Beginning with an extended internship at Heritage Baptist Church in 2012, Andrew came on as assistant pastor in July of 2013 and serves in the areas of youth and music. His desire is to see God glorified as His people worship Him in spirit and in truth. Andrew and his wife Colleen were married in 2015 and have two children.
Deacons at Heritage are men chosen by the congregation that are willing to serve the church’s practical needs while the pastors focus on the studying and the preaching the Word to equip the church with spiritual knowledge and encouragement. At HBC we adhere to the roles and qualifications of both pastors and deacons as written in the Bible.
Listed below are the typical ways our deacons serve our congregation. As we grow, our needs can shift, and leadership works together to define the best way to serve the membership and guests in pursuing the church's mission.
Physical Oversight
Church finance, upkeep of the buildings and grounds, audio-visual ministry
Ministry Oversight
Mercy ministry, men & women's ministries, College & Career, Forerunners, churchwide fellowships, helping new guests to find their way and connect